What a long, strange year it’s been…

It’s been over a year since I was laid off from Snap. I think it’s the right time to share my journey to finding my new role.

It started off with much excitement and anticipation. I had never been laid off, and I was in a good financial spot with severance to take a deliberate approach to the job search, and be selective with where I chose to go. I set out with a few key criteria that I wanted to pursue in my new career, following the sage advice of Charlie Kindel, https://blog.kindel.com/2012/04/26/the-job-decision-matrix/ 

In pursuit of finding a role that aligned my criteria (top 5 criteria: company size, role, location, work environment, ML focus). I deliberately disqualified roles which weren’t matches, saving time and heartache. Examples: more than a few companies required relocation to different states (or countries), while that sounds appealing to my sense of adventure, one of my criteria was I want my kids to be able to finish school in the current school system. Once these mismatches were discovered, usually during recruiting screens, I would disqualify the role from consideration. Another I disqualified after the tech screen when I discovered strong negative feedback for the company on Glassdoor.

Recruiting is a numbers game, and I like numbers and games, so I kept track of my job application process. Keeping track of the process numbers allowed me to answer questions around funnel metrics. The metrics I tracked were: applied date, response date (yes/no), recruiter screen date, tech screen date, loop date, offer date. Of the 145 jobs that I applied to over a 9.5 month period, I received a response from 69 of those roles (48%), 23 recruiter screens (15%,  33%), 10 tech screens (7%, 15%), 9 full loops (5%, 90%), and yielded 1 offer (<1%, 11%). Key for percentages: (% of total, % of previous stage)

I decided to share these metrics for two reasons: 1) show the state of the tech market last year (still a buyers market), 2) offer perspective on how even an experienced interviewer who has passed interview loops for many high-hiring bar companies struggled to find a role this time.

First, the market is still in favor of the buyer (employer). Since there are fewer opportunities available, it is more competitive to land these opportunities. One of my mentors stated: “unless you have 10 out of the 10 of the qualifications which they are looking for on the job description, you probably aren’t going to get a call”. That resonates with my experience, employers are more picky, because they can be (days of 0% interest lending are over), and there are a lot of qualified employees on the market. Depending on which site for tracking layoffs over the timeframe of 2022-2024, there were between ~600-900k layoffs. That is a lot of people looking for a small number of jobs. Also, that doesn’t account for the numerous people who are currently disgruntled in their current roles who are wanting to leave. My advice: don’t lose hope, I expect it will get better once the massively overinflated Gen AI hype has blown past, and execs realize AI is no panacea for replacing expensive thinking humans.

Second, It’s easy to become discouraged with a protracted search, especially where you can’t seem to find a role that is a fit for your skills. Over the years, I estimated completing 39 full tech interview loops, with 13 offers. That is about a 33% loop to offer rate, which is pretty high (see post around hiring for norms). Not to mention that these offers have been across companies with extremely high interview bars: Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Snap, Apple. I know people who interview and get offers for every loop, but that hasn’t been my experience. Neither am I used to being in the process and receiving 1 offer for every 10 interview loops, although that is more typical and which was the case this time. My advice: find someone who can empathize with you, and find someone else who is willing to give you honest feedback on your search strategy and interview performance. 

These two advisors, empathizer and truth-teller, will serve different roles as you work on landing your next role. The empathizer will be able to care for you as a person and help to encourage you when you don’t have good news, for example: no screen, no callback, no offer, ghosting after loop. The truth-teller will serve to sharpen the skills which you need in order to land the job. This might take the shape of telling you when you’re not qualified for a role, or when you need to adjust how you’re sharing your narrative. The hardest part of the process is the lack of tangible feedback you will receive during the interview process. So, having a person who can share the truth with you, even if it isn’t what you want to hear, is necessary.

Finally, I want to thank my many advisors and truth tellers along the way. I ended up reaching out to well over 90 folks which I have previously worked with to catch up, and share my story. (see LinkedIn post for list of names) I came into those meetings expecting nothing but to share, learn, and be alive together. It was refreshing to connect with so many folks, who were overall very encouraging. 

Giving your kids the freedom to be different

As a parent, we want our children to succeed. Part of that success is in learning what their strengths are, and developing those strengths. In order to cultivate these strengths, children need to exercise a daily habit of disciplined focus. These habits will help them to surmount obstacles that invariably come up during life. My advice: let kids explore their passions, and then by modeling your habits of developing these skills, they will transfer that to their area of interest (and it won’t be forced).

As a musician, I would practice a couple of hours a day as a kid to improve my abilities, I know first hand the importance of the habit of practice and developing strengths. When my kids were little I found it difficult to know the great importance of practice and see them neglect to practice, because it ultimately did not align with my kids’ interests. I became a musical tyrant in trying to conform my kids to my model of developing strengths: practicing musical skill. Although all of my kids are gifted musically, none of them have developed the same love that I had for the habit of practicing and improving musically. It was hard for me to let go of that, but I had no other choice. You don’t know when your kid will reveal their area of passion. When they do start demonstrate passion for an area, that is when you can help nurture developing disciplined practice habits.

During my son’s junior year, I was trying to figure out what could possibly motivate him to study for the SAT. He is good academically, but doesn’t love school. I asked him point blank: “what would motivate you to study for the SAT?” His answer, “buy me a squat rack*”, was a window into what he was developing a passion for. He was developing a love for exercise and fitness. He ended up studying daily for the SAT, and I bought the squat rack for him, it was a win-win.

A little backstory is needed, during Covid my son was in eighth grade, and he did what most other teen boys at his time: play video games. Even though he had grown up doing sports, the draw of the competitive 1P shooter games was too alluring, so he spent A LOT of time playing video games. Because he prioritized this above all other activities, including being active (not even going for walks), he got out of shape. 

As his school opened back up mid-sophomore year, he decided during the summer break to get back into shape. At first, he focused on improving his cardiovascular health, by using the elliptical machine. He transformed his body and got the svelte shape of a marathon runner. He decided at that point to pivot to develop healthy muscle tone by weightlifting. He was hooked and quickly transformed from a marathon runner physique into what can best be described as a linebacker: muscular.

He was demonstrating his passion when I observed this transformation, which was driven by intense habit forming around improving his (literal) strength, and started observing him coaching others to improve their strength. It was him developing that practice skill/habit that I wanted to instill in him for music, but it expressed itself in the area of his passion: fitness.

On a vacation during spring break, his junior year, he challenged me to start lifting weights. Now while I won’t share any before and after photos, because my body shape hasn’t changed much, my strength and mood have both improved. Recently, using my fitness tracker app, Strong, I hit the 200 workout milestone (over 1.5 years). I have him to thank for modeling his discipline, and encouraging me to exercise the habit of strength training. Thanks son, I’m proud of you. Your grit and determination to improve yourself is admirable, and I love seeing the habit and discipline.

  • Squat rack is a piece of workout equipment that allows a person to rack weights on a barbell and do heavy duty squat exercises.

Interviewers be better … no games

Interviews are brutal, especially for those who suffer performance anxiety. I have been interviewed literally a couple of hundred times now. I am confident in my STAR-type behavioral examples across a wide variety of topics (tech, people, process, product, and project management). Yet, I still get nervous, even though I am prepared and know my narratives. I have carefully chosen these narratives to highlight my role, how I work with others, and demonstrate increasing scope and impact.

I recently wrapped up an interview loop for a senior engineering manager role. I knew I didn’t do well on a few of the questions in the loop, so I wasn’t surprised to find out I wasn’t going to receive an offer.

My call out: don’t play games by introducing fictional stress into an already stressful scenario, in order to “measure” how a person handles stress. 

There is a power imbalance in the interviewer and interviewee relationship. Interviewers should be aware of this, and avoid playing games. In the aforementioned interview, I spoke with the recruiter and received feedback (which you don’t always receive from companies) about two reasons that I wasn’t getting the role, both related to the questions I hadn’t performed well on. The company had developed tests in the interview for how an interviewee deals under pressure by 1) forcing a change of narrative, and 2) creating a fictional role-playing for an operational issue which somehow needed to be navigated with a PM(!?). 

Research indicates these interview tactics (role-play vs behavioral) are ineffective and poor predictors of performance. The specific tests were 1) the VP of eng asked for an Operational Excellence (OE) example, I offered an OE example which demonstrated a focus on customer outcome, a clear KPI (latency) improvement I introduced and how I aligned teams on implementing the cross cutting operational metric. What was the game played? Intentionally or not, the VP wasn’t listening, and did not understand the impact, so I had to explain it a couple of times. After my final explanation, he suggested that was not an appropriate example (using a demeaning term for the impact of my role), and asked for another example. After the interview, I found out that this was part of a test to see my ability to do a hard pivot when talking with executives. 2) the partner PM peer to my hiring manager asked me a fictitious scenario where there was a latency problem with the data pipeline, and asked how I would work with him to resolve the issue. It’s the strangest question I think I have ever been asked in an interview setting. How many engineers / engineering managers would be working across diagnosing and debugging an operational issue involving the PM? I can definitely see involving the PM to talk through operational trade-offs once we have determined problems, but I wouldn’t be talking with a PM to understand and diagnose latency problems, I would be talking with other engineering leaders to understand where the problems could be, and potential solutions.

I gave this feedback on these tests to the recruiter, and I think it is equally important to share with others. Candidates deserve interviews that reflect the actual work environment and challenges of the role, not tests that measure how well they navigate arbitrary roadblocks. What games have you seen interviewers play during interviews?

Stop reading and solve a real world ML problem

One of the best ways of learning comes from solving a real world problem. A machine learning colleague suggested I solve a real world problem that I was facing using machine learning. My mind was drawn to a problem on the road where I live. Many drivers drive too fast down the road in the evening. I wanted to raise awareness to the police about how fast these vehicles were going. 

I created a github repo with the work. Please take a look, and https://github.com/amplifiedengineering/opencv-radar. The following post is about the process I did to come to that solution.

My first approach was to find a LIDAR sensing device to measure the speed of the vehicles, and capture the license plate information through a camera. As I began researching LIDAR devices, I realized some of the less expensive models were custom built for a specific purpose, for example this devices’ spec sheet shows it does a single reading which is built for measuring the depth for drones to avoid ground collisions. That wouldn’t help me in my tracking, where I need to be able to measure multiple targets potentially (two cars going the same way, or two cars going different ways). 

As I was describing this to a friend who is into robotics, he suggested a different approach. Why not measure the speed using video? I liked this approach, as I could record video from my iPhone, without buying expensive single use hardware, and then run the calculation using software. As I started thinking about how to solve the speed calculation, it seemed straightforward: have a set of lines on the video that mark a well known distance. Then calculate the speed based upon the number of frames it takes for the vehicle to transit between the two lines. 

Speed (miles per hour): miles (distance in feet / distance in feet of a mile) by hour (total # of frames * frames per seconds * ( 1 / seconds per hour )

To be specific, I traded off real-time video processing for using post-processing. So, this approach wouldn’t work for all applications, but I was more interested in grabbing a video file from my phone, doing post processing and finding how many people were speeding. This way, I didn’t have to worry about the frame rate causing a queue to develop in the stream (which can be solved by sampling frames rather than processing each frame).

The first problem was detecting where the vehicle was in the image. I knew about the openCV library, so I started down a path on exploring this. I used a Haar classifier to detect the cars and experimented with multiple different hyperparameters to tune the detection of the cars and trade of the # of frames per second I could process using detectMultiScale API. Some of the key trade-offs here were the size of the video frame to be processed (the smaller the faster the processing, but the less ability to detect), the scaleFactor (API), and the minNeighbors (API). I played around with how much I would resize the greyscale image of the video frame before passing it into the detectMultiScale API. It was working “ok”, but I noticed that there was a bit more choppiness (jumpiness) in the object detection borders, so I looked for a way to improve it. 

I found this blog post informative. It uses Haar classifiers with background averaging to detect the differences in pixels and then creates bounding boxes on those detected contours differences from the background. This again improved the performance slightly. However, I was still seeing very unstable bounding boxes around the cars, which left me wanting a more stable detection mechanism.

Finally, as I was talking with another principal level developer about an unrelated topic, he was sharing about some work which he had done using OpenCV and Yolo. I decided to look up Yolo. I was impressed with the improved stability in object detection and similar performance. At first, I was a bit disappointed that the Yolo architecture requires a color image, I was previously using greyscale (with less channels used in inference I assumed it would be faster). After that I discovered that the architecture would also do all of the resizing for you when you did inference, and that the previous resizing I was doing was superfluous. Finally, I modified from using the v3 predict function to find the objects to the v8 track function

Figure 1: setup screen to verify the start / end lines for video

Figure 2: tracking cars using the YoloV8 track API function, with tracking trails

Hope you enjoyed the ride. A few potential improvements which I’m thinking of now, detecting the speed based upon well known sizes and distance (specifically I could use license plate size), and ability to collate together multiple views to tag a higher resolution view of the license plate.

Pragmatic & predictable notebook using Python environments

Going through the second half of the course of fastai, I was running into problems running the notebooks. I am relatively new to Python package management, and so some of the very cryptic error messages baffled me on how to resolve. 

An example

When trying to run the notebook #9 (may have failed earlier) from part 2, I got errors around NoneType object not being iterable when getting the data back from the dataloader. I was trying to ensure that I had the correct versions of libraries installed, so I went to the terminal window and tried a pip3 install of pytorch libraries, but then that would give this error:

× This environment is externally managed
╰─> To install Python packages system-wide, try brew install
    xyz, where xyz is the package you are trying to
    If you wish to install a Python library that isn't in Homebrew,
    use a virtual environment:
    python3 -m venv path/to/venv
    source path/to/venv/bin/activate
    python3 -m pip install xyz

First, I realized after much searching on the internet that the above error message is a passive way (if you wish to install a library) of indicating that you should set up a separate Python environment where you can have specific libraries installed.

Second, I have installed some newer dependencies than what the fastai course expected (torch version needs to be 2.0.1 and numpy needs to be less than 2). So, I needed to have those legacy versions installed to run the fast.ai code. (example python3.12 is installed on my machine which is incompatible with torch 2.0.1).

So, I was wrestling with how I can specify those specific versions in the Jupyter runtime. Python environments help resolve this issue. The premise of Python environments is that you can independently manage all of the library versions for a particular environment without destabilizing other Python libraries you may need access to. You can think of it as a container which allows you to install specific versions that are only available within that container.

However, I had never worked with Python environments before, so I had to learn that. They are pretty easy to do (step 2 is an example below). I was able to isolate all of the package versions using the Python environment so that I could independently run the notebooks without additional problems. The steps below allowed me to do that.

figure 1: how to Python env allows you to target specific libraries


Steps to get a running local notebook (Macbook) for fastai/course22p2 in the Github repo:

  1. Get Python 3.10
    • brew install python@3.10
  2. Create a virtual environment which is python3.10 based
    • In the terminal window run
      • python3.10 -m venv .fastai2
      • source ~/.fastai2/bin/activate
    • Note: this creates a virtual environment from which you can install pre-reqs which could be incompatible with the currently installed default python version. For example, pytorch 2.0.1 is incompatible with python3.12.
  3. Install the pre-reqs (in terminal using Python env)
    • pip3 install -Uqq git+https://github.com/fastai/course22p2
      1. (Installs all of the miniai components created in earlier notebooks)
    • pip3 install torch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 
    • pip3 install matplotlib
    • pip3 install jupyter
    • pip3 install numpy==1.23
  4. Run jupyter (in terminal using Python env)
  5. Launch colab in browser
  6. Run the cells in the notebook, voila!

I hope this helps someone save time from figuring out these dependencies in the future.

Prioritize or Perish: The Ultimate Guide to Time Management

The greatest superpower anyone has in this day and age is disciplining their attention and use of time. Time management is the skill that differentiates people who achieve their goals from those who don’t. The key skills to learn for great time management are identifying, prioritizing and executing tasks. Since this particular post is targeted towards employees newly entering the job market, I will focus on the last two prioritizing and executing. Once you have mastered the prioritizing and executing skills, moving on to identifying and exploring new potential priorities will make you unstoppable. The process of identifying tasks will be covered in a subsequent post. 

First, we’ll start with the Eisenhower matrix. This matrix is a great tool to help you understand and prioritize what to work on. 

   Urgent   Not Urgent 
  Important   1 – do   2 – schedule 
  Not important   3 – delegate   4 – delete 
Figure 1: Eisenhower Matrix

Every task should fit into one of the four quadrants:

  1. Is it important and urgent? Do it.
  2. Is it important, but not urgent? Schedule time to complete it.
  3. Is it not important, but urgent? Delegate it.
  4. Is it not urgent and not important? Delete it (don’t do it)

Some excellent books which gave some great nuggets on time management: 

  1. Seven Habits of Highly Effective people
    • Habit #3: Putting first things first means organizing and executing around your most important priorities. 
  2. Getting Stuff Done
    • Write a list of specific things you want to accomplish to get it out of your head. E.g. Write next blogpost draft on time management skill. 
  3. Checklist Manifesto
    • Checklists provide discipline, and discipline makes success possible. 
  4. Deep work
    • “The key to developing a deep work habit is to move beyond good intentions and add routines and rituals to your working life designed to minimize the amount of your limited willpower necessary to transition into and maintain a state of unbroken concentration” 

Each of these books circle around a theme of discipline around writing down and prioritizing what you should be focused on. I have synthesized the advice into three key skills to master. 

These key skills are: 

  1. writing everything down which you need to do (I.e. organizing or identifying tasks) 
  2. prioritizing tasks  
  3. executing tasks in prioritized order 

Make a list, prioritize, and execute. Repeat. 

1) Writing everything down  

If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.

Zig Ziglar

Let’s take an example, first write down everything that you need to prioritize over the next week. Here’s an example list of my tasks: 

0. Finish draft of time management with focus on prioritizing and executing 

  1. Drop off Leaf for repairs at auto-body shop (Mon) 
  2. Drop off Dad @ airport (Mon) 
  3. Clean-up
    • Clean desk 
    • Vacuum desk area 
  4. Training
  5. Network
    • Go through list of previous contacts (Google sheet) and schedule three informational interviews (follow-up on potential introductions) 
  6. Prepare for interviews (obfuscated company names to variables to avoid exposure)
    • CompanyX – interview Tuesday 
    • CompanyY – interview Thursday  
    • CompanyZ – interview Friday
      1. Each of these contain subtasks around looking up people I’m meeting with exploring their business, preparing questions for the interviews, etc. 
  7. Call Rightway pharmacy (re: compounding prescription re-imbursement) 
  8. Check stock market once this week 
  9. Read through Twitter feed for 30 mins max 
  10. Engage with a couple of posts on LinkedIn for 30 mins max 
  11. < Personal family / friend related priorities > 

The most important step in my week is cataloging what things need to be done. When I was younger, and had less responsibilities, it was easier to juggle all of these tasks mentally. However, as I grew in responsibilities (more kids, employees, job responsibilities) there was an inflection point where I realized the lack of an organized list was hurting my impact. I would focus on whatever I wanted to at the moment, and sometimes that was the wrong thing. Focusing on the wrong thing is easier to do when you don’t have a list. Alternatively, I would prioritize interrupt driven requests without weighing it against my other weekly priorities. At the end of those weeks, I would look back retrospectively and wonder where all my time and energy had been spent, and what impact I had to show for it.  

2) Prioritizing tasks 

The second most important step when making the list is to prioritize it according to the Eisenhower matrix. Here’s an example of bucketizing my items:  

  • Urgent & important – items 0, 1, 2, 6 
  • Not urgent & important – items 4 & 5 
  • Not important & urgent – item 3 & 7 
  • Not important & not urgent – item 8-10 

Note: I added items 8-10 as an example of areas where I personally struggle with setting boundaries.  

Note 2: item 11 is expanded on the longer list, and this particular week had many additional family responsibilities that aren’t normally present. 

Of course, just because you can identify some items as delegate in the matrix, doesn’t mean you have the means or have the time or emotional overhead of delegating the task. For example, task 3 (clean-up) although it’s categorized as “not important” and “urgent”, my wife and kids wouldn’t necessarily take kindly to me asking them to clean up the mess I made at the desk. So, what do I do with those tasks? I call these filler tasks. I fold these filler tasks into my week when I’m feeling less motivated to do a more thought or focus intensive task. Completing some of these tasks and checking them off can significantly boost my motivation and help defeat procrastination.  

Having a deadline associated with tasks, will give you the proper focus to ensure that you avoid doing non-important tasks. For example, I know my dad’s flight leaves on Monday morning, so I schedule time for “drive dad to the airport” on Monday morning in my calendar. I’m sure that my dad appreciates that I focused on dropping him off at the airport on Monday, rather than waiting to bring him to the airport on Tuesday. Additionally, having this context will help you to order similar tasks. For example, the interviews with the companies (X, Y, and Z) were actually on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, so I needed to focus on preparing for X first, since it was on Tuesday. Getting that order incorrect would have left me unprepared for the interview. 

People think focusing is about saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.

Steve Jobs

3) Executing tasks in prioritized order 

It can be helpful to have a strict ordering of the tasks on your list.  This will allow you to focus on only the next highest priority item on the list and avoid getting to the end of the week without a critically important task done. I am less rigid about this strict ordering, just because I know how I work best. I like autonomy to choose what I’m working on next instead of having a schedule dictate what that will be. Some days I will wake up and I have to coax myself more into getting into the zone of work. This may mean that I focus on getting a couple of the filler tasks done as a warm up to the more difficult tasks. This is the exact opposite advice which Cal Newport gives in Deep Work, where he suggests putting the most difficult task first in the day. However, I know what works well for me, and sometimes that is a gradual easing into the Deep Work.  

It’s important to focus on the priorities of the tasks when choosing what to work on next. 

Allowing less (or not) important (urgent or not urgent) items to choke out your ability to focus on important items will stifle impact. Distractions impact everyone in this era where every app and device is vying for our attention. Some of the most successful people that I know are ruthless in training their focus on executing tasks in the important row (see Eisenhower matrix). A negative example, a newer employee Bob would spend a lot of his time on his cellphone texting with friends during the day. While this isn’t a problem for some people, sending a one-off text, or doing it during lunch time. Bob would become absorbed in these conversations and spend hours on his phone, texting with friends, and it was impacting his ability to prioritize and get his work done. I noticed this lack of progress when he shared during daily stand-up. In private I asked him to measure where he was spending his time. This insight led to an important break-through (I’m spending too much time on not important / not urgent tasks, i.e. texting friends) for the person in time management and impact. *  

* Note: – An insight I learned when doing performance optimization in software, you have to measure where the time is being spent with a profiler, I.e. you can’t guess. You can try to guess where the software is spending time, but you will often be wrong. As an example, at Microsoft, I found logging boilerplate in a large service codebase which I worked on was doing stack trace calls to determine in which file it was making the request to log the filename. The stack trace call in C# is expensive because it uses reflection, so I just added the file name logic to be statically built. I would never have guessed that it was the stack trace call that was eating up so much of the compute without measuring it! 

Today, there are many ways to observe what you’re working on. The simplest is setting a fifteen minute timer which goes off throughout your day. When the timer goes off, immediately write down what you’re doing (even if it’s not work related, e.g. searching for a product on Amazon), and then go back to whatever you were doing. After a few days of observation, you might observe a pattern, like Bob, who discovered he was spending a LOT of time on his phone. (There is now tooling support for this measurement: Toggl

There are various reasons (ignorance, lack of discerning priorities and impact of tasks, being interrupt driven) for folks having trouble with time management. However, knowing what to do, when it should be done, and in what order they should be done will help provide the structure and the motivation to say no (especially to things outside of the urgent / important bucket). Giving yourself the permission to say “no”, to good, but not the best things will help you to be more effective and intentional in your impact. 


What happens when a new request comes in from your boss? 

Part of the power of having a prioritized list that you are working towards is allowing that list to help you say no. After putting the task through the Eisenhower matrix, you can take the new task and measure to see where it compares to your other items. If it’s being asked of you by a manager, it might be worthwhile to have a trade-off discussion with them about what you planned to work on that might be impacted by the new request. If it doesn’t make the list, consider adding it to your next week’s priority list, or better yet seeing if it can be deleted. 

What about recurring items? 

I try to put all recurring items on my calendar. This avoids me having to think about them, and gives me greater confidence when scheduling meetings, etc. If I have to take my daughter to/from soccer practice, I put those commitments as a recurring meeting into the calendar to help me remember to do them, and then also keep the list to a manageable length. 

How do I improve my discipline in creating, prioritizing and executing against a list? 

Start off slowly, you don’t have to do it perfectly and capture all the context the first time. Create a list with a few items, prioritize and execute. Repeat this regularly over the next two months. Revisit what is working well versus what is not.  

Easy (best) instructions for enabling local AI development on mac.

Setting up SSH tunnel from mac to PC

Colab has security measures to prevent you from putting in any IP address in the Local Connections Settings dialog. These instructions mention that you can use gcloud command to point to a different machine using local port forwarding. However, it doesn’t show you how to do this for a mac to window set up (and maybe you don’t have gcloud installed). So, if you have a Windows PC with a GPU that you would like to run Python notebooks using colab on your mac (macbook), simply follow these instructions below:

  • On Windows PC (Win 10 or 11)
  • On Mac
    • Create ssh key (if you don’t already have a SSH public key which you use)
      • ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “<emailaddress>”
      • Should generate a public / private key pair in ~/.ssh (id_rsa and id_rsa.pub), the latter file is the public key
  • On Windows PC install
    • Copy ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub (from Mac) to %ProgramData%\ssh\adminstrators_approved_keys (on Windows)
    • Set up permissions for administrators_approved_keys file
      • icacls administrators_authorized_keys /inheritance:r
      • icacls administrators_authorized_keys /grant SYSTEM:`(F`)
      • icacls administrators_authorized_keys /grant BUILTIN\Administrators:`(F`)
    • Restart openssh server through services or command line (net stop sshd & net start sshd)
  • Startup Jupyter on Windows
    • Type jupyter lab in a command prompt
    • Copy localhost connection string with token (starts with https://localhost::8888/lab?token=<token>)
  • On Mac
    • Start SSH tunnel
      • ssh -L 8888:localhost:8888 <windowsAccount>@192.168.1.xxx
    • Start up colab instance in browser
      • Click on “connect to a local runtime”
      • Paste in localhost connection string from above
        • Pro tip: I use google docs to share context across machines.
  • Troubleshoot
    • ssh -v or ssh -v -v -v (connection issues)
    • nc -z localhost 8888 || echo “no tunnel open” (test for liveness)